Employee Self-Service Direct Deposit Instructions
I understand that under compliance with guidelines set by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), I
must notify Payroll if I electronically transfer funds received via payroll direct deposit to another
financial institution outside the U.S.
Add a First Bank for Direct Deposit
Add a Second Bank for Direct Deposit
Change Bank
Change Amount or Percent
Stop a Direct Deposit Allocation
Add a First Bank for Direct Deposit
You will need your bank routing number and account number. This information is usually found along the bottom
of your personal check or deposit slip. You can also contact your bank for this information.
1. Login to Web4U and go to the Employee tab
2. Select “Pay Information
3. SelectDirect Deposit Enrollment
4. Click on Add New Direct Deposit
5. Go down to “Add Allocationand enter the following information
Bank Routing Number
(contact Payroll Services at 360-650-2991 if not accepted)
Account Number (NOT your debit or credit card number)
Select Account Type: Checking or Saving
Enter a set amount or a percent (must be 100 Percent if you will only use 1 bank account)
Check Payroll Deposit and Accounts Payable Deposit if you wish to use the same account for
both (note: your Accounts Payable account is used for reimbursements such as travel expenses)
6. Click “Save”
7. If it was successful, a green check mark will appear at the top
8. If not, read the error message and fix as necessary
Add a Second Bank for Direct Deposit
If you add a 2
bank, your first bank must be set up with either a set amount or a percentage less than 100 (see
Change Bank
instructions below to change 1
bank). You will need your bank routing number and account
number. This information is usually found along the bottom of your personal check or deposit slip. You can also
contact your bank for this information.
1. Login to Web4U and go to the Employee tab
2. Select “Pay Information
3. SelectDirect Deposit Enrollment
4. Click onUpdate Direct Deposit Allocation
5. Go down to “Add Allocationand enter the following information
Bank Routing Number
(contact Payroll Services at 360-650-2991 if not accepted)
Account Number (NOT your debit or credit card number)
Select Account Type: Checking or Saving
Put a checkbox in Remaining Amount to have the remainder of your paycheck deposited to your
bank account after the requested amount is deposited into your 1
bank account
Put a checkbox in Payroll Deposit
If your first bank is already listed under Accounts Payable Deposit, do not check this box; you can
only have one bank under Account Payable Deposit
6. Click “Save”
7. If it was successful, a green check mark will appear at the top
8. If not, read the error message and fix as necessary
Change Bank
To change a bank, you will first need to inactivate your original bank and then add a new bank. You will need your
bank routing number and account number. This information is usually found along the
bottom of your personal
check or deposit slip. You can also contact your bank for this information.
1. Login to Web4U and go to the Employee tab
2. Select “Pay Information
3. SelectDirect Deposit Enrollment
4. Select “Update Direct Deposit Allocation
5. Click on the Bank Name that you want to Inactivate
6. Check the “Inactivate” box
7. Click “Save”
8. If it was successful, a green check mark will appear at the top
9. If not, read the error message and fix as necessary
10. Follow instructions above to add the new bank information
Change Amount or Percent
1. Login to Web4U and go to the Employee tab
2. Select “Pay Information
3. SelectDirect Deposit Enrollment
4. Select “Update Direct Deposit Allocation
5. Click on the Bank Name that you want to change the Amount or Percent on
6. Change the Amount or Percent
7. Click “Save”
8. If it was successful, a green check mark will appear at the top
9. If not, read the error message and fix as necessary
10. Follow instructions above to add the new bank information
Stop a Direct Deposit Allocation
You may stop a Direct Deposit by inactivating a bank allocation.
1. Login to Web4U
and go to the Employee tab
2. Select “Pay Information
3. SelectDirect Deposit Enrollment
4. Select “Update Direct Deposit Allocation
5. Click on the Bank Name that you want to Inactivate
6. Check the “Inactivate” box
7. Click “Save”
8. If it was successful, a green check mark will appear at the top
9. If not, read the error message and fix as necessary
10. Follow instructions above to add the new bank information